High above the Biengarten sits the King-Ludwig-pavilion. From up here you have a stunning view over the entire Rhine valley. The combination of 40-years-old vines on massive limestone and the favorable microclimate location allow exceptional Rieslings to mature here year after year.
The regional top site Gimmeldinger Biengarten stretches along a slope from Gimmeldingen to Königsbach. It consists of parcels facing east, which are relatively steep for Gimmeldingen. Close to Königsbach, below the König-Ludwig-Pavilion, the vineyards are arranged in terraces and surrounded by old sandstone walls. The slight deep valley protects against strong winds and the eastfacing slope allows the vineyard to enjoy the warming morning sun, which already dries the canopy early in the morning. The name of the Biengarten comes from beekeepers who use precisely these conditions to release their bee colonies here into early spring.
The soil consists mainly of tertiary limestone. The enormous potential of the site has been recognized as early as 1828 and it was given the highest tax rate in the Royal Bavarian Land Tax Assessment. Our Riesling vines, most of which are over 40 years old in this location, repeatedly produce expressive and complex wines on this unique soil. The average yields is about 45 hl/ha. The grapes achieve an optimal concentration of taste. The King Ludwig Pavilion sits on top of the Biengarten. For us, there is nothing better than enjoying Palatine delicacies with wine that was grown here on this magical place and enjoying the view into the Rhine valley.
The Gimmeldinger Biengarten is one of our Grands Crus (“Großen Lagen”). Our finest wines grow here. They represent the peak of our quality pyramid and come from sites whose names are standing for outstanding qualities since centuries. They are unique representatives of their origins, who already show delicate aromas during their young age but have a particular potential for aging. Meticulous care of these old vineyards by hand, lowest yields, hand-picking in several rounds, spontaneous fermentation and long maturation of the wines in traditional wooden barrels are characteristics of these multifaceted individualists.